Website Terms and Conditions
The Leslie Edwards Trust is a responsible organisation and respects the private life of individuals. It therefore seeks to ensure that personal and sensitive information is not divulged and that it complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Under this Act “personal data” is defined as: “data which relates to an individual who can be identified (a) from those data, or (b) from those data and other information which is in the possession of, or is likely to come into the possession of, the data controller, and includes any expression of opinion about the individual and any indication of the intentions of the data controller or any other person in respect of the individual.”
Examples of personal information and data which is held by the Leslie Edwards Trust includes:
- Service provider details
- Trustee details
- Volunteer details
- Details of users of our services
- When collecting personal information the Leslie Edwards Trust will always make clear:
- What information must be supplied, and what is voluntary
- What the purpose of collecting the information is
- What use will be made of it.
The Leslie Edwards Trust will ensure that personal information will:
- Not be used for any purpose other than that specified on collection
- Be held in a secure manner
- Be destroyed when that purpose is complete, e.g. by shredding.
Should the Leslie Edwards Trust wish to use personal information for any purpose other than that specified on collection, the permission of each individual concerned will be gained before that further use is actioned.
Exemptions The Data Protection Act recognises that it is sometimes appropriate to disclose personal data for certain purposes to do with criminal justice or the taxation system. In these cases, individuals’ rights may occasionally need to be restricted.
In particular, the Act deals with several situations in which personal data is processed for the following “crime and taxation purposes”:
- The prevention or detection of crime and the capture or prosecution of offenders
- The assessment or collection of tax or duty Individual’s right to information held by the Leslie Edwards Trust.
Any individual can at any time ask for copies of all personal information that the Leslie Edwards Trust holds on them. Any such requests will be responded to within one month of the request being made in writing.
Updated: November 2019